The Well Collaborative Blog

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Leane Durand Leane Durand

Renewing a Carefree Spirit

This brings me to renewal. I’ve been given a seismic gift of discovery. I have finally breathed in and pressed deeply into the genuine character assets that have been part of me since my youth.

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Tammy Zdunich Tammy Zdunich

5 steps to learning what you love.

What do you love?

Are you slightly terrified to find out? What if your whole life has to change? What will other people think?

Are you afraid of what you love, want, & essentially afraid of yourself? Read through to dig a little deeper

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Tammy Zdunich Tammy Zdunich

How to define your why?

Oh! I can make a grandiose statement that is basically unachievable! Thank you, because that’s the way my mind works already and I just needed permission to write what I thought.

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Leane Durand Leane Durand

Woman of Influence, Megan Hammond

Her joie de vivre is apparent in the sparkle in her eye, her smile and her celebration of others. Megan Hammond gifts a piece of herself in every item of jewelry she creates for you.

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Taheera Fidaali Taheera Fidaali

Her First Ride at 38

It was always a “SOMEDAY” thing for me. I never really had much motivation to learn.

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Leane Durand Leane Durand

Woman of Influence, Farzana Doctor

I recently came across the term “thought-leader”, and it struck me that we really need more people to take leadership to raise awareness and promote conversations.

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Leane Durand Leane Durand

The Chase is On

I am probably the most perfectly unqualified person to write a blog on the theme of Pursuit at this point in my life. I have been tangled up in a riddle of direction or should I say lack of. I feel like a pinball machine lately smacking off the bumpers, lighting up for a few seconds when an idea hits and then bam on to the next thing.

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Tammy Zdunich Tammy Zdunich

Woman of Influence, Sarah Swain

Recent nominee, RBC Women of Influence, Sarah Swain is a kindred spirit. She so deeply believes in other women that she created an entire platform to showcase their voices, The Great Canadian Woman. She is unequivocal in her perseverance to show up. The change she demands of the world, she reflects in all of her endeavours. 

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