5 steps to learning what you love.

So many of us women don’t know what we love. We spend our time trying to figure out what others want and give that to them, ignoring ourselves.

We are terrified of figuring this out.
What if my whole life has to change?
What will other people think? 

We are afraid of what we love, what we want, & essentially afraid of ourselves.

Many speakers are talking about ‘showing up fully ourselves’. We also talk about this at The Well, but what does this even mean? If women are too afraid to find it out, how can they show up and share it with the world?


I’ve listened to women for the last 3+ years share their hearts, dreams, fears, they all share a similar story. The characters are different. Ages, body sizes, careers, family dynamics, and events, but the internal hopes, questions, and fears unite them.

How are we to share ourselves, or show up more fully ourselves, if we are too scared to uncover it in the first place?

The other day I had an idea while visiting with one of our members. She was struggling to know herself, what she likes, and felt overwhelmed at digging deeper.

An idea popped into my head as she shared, so I created a short worksheet to help her work through this roadblock. I’d love for you to try it too! 

I asked her to take a little time every day to name a few things she loves. That’s it, just a few things that make her smile. 


  1. Choose a part of your day that you feel most positive and hopeful

  2. Choose 3-5 things you liked/loved/felt good/enjoyed in your day

  3. Write them down

    That’s it! Start to write notice the little things you like in life. Keep it simple, small, attainable, and repeatable.

    Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Notice tastes, smells, colours

  • Thoughts that lift you up, give you hope

  • Clothing or cars you enjoy

  • Leaves, petals, temperatures,

  • Really, anything and everything

Write it down. 

Try to find 1 the first day, 2/3 the next day, soon enough 5 will be so easy to notice.
From here you will start to speak what you like, and as patterns develop you’ll feel more confident in yourself and what you love.

Avoid comparison or downplaying when others disagree. Stand strong in your preferences, don’t be agreeable, embrace the differences between yourself and others.

Remember, I both love and care for you. I want the best for you. xo Tams


A re-birth of the magazine


Woman of Influence, Hina