Woman of Influence, Megan Hammond


This month’s Woman of Influence is a source of light, joy and inspiration for many women in our community. Her joie de vivre is apparent in the sparkle in her eye, her smile and her celebration of others. Megan Hammond gifts a piece of herself in every item of jewelry she creates for you.

On the struggles of entrepreneurship and motherhood…

Time - Wanting to pour everything I have into both being  a mother and growing my business. 

Energy- both require so much physical, mental and emotional energy 

Capacity - being mindful of reaching my mental, emotional and physical capacity to avoid burnout 

Boundaries - between work and home, which has been very tricky as I have worked from home up until now. My son has grown up watching me work, and loves to be in my space but hates when I am on my phone or laptop when he wants my time. Learning to set boundaries when I am with my family is an ongoing process and a tricky one. 

Guilt - feeling as if I should be doing more, always for both.

A strong work ethic, vision and a beautiful creative mind has led to success in the business world. She’s been called an “early adopter” and this has served her well.

Pivoting from brick & mortar to your current online store, the key contributors to success were…

I think I hit the sweet spot as far as timing when I launched my website, it was when we started to see a shift into ecommerce for small businesses.

Key factors are having a consistent, easy to navigate website and ordering system, quick turn around time and clear communication with customers. And being personal! It is important to have a personal presence on my website, social media and in the order experiences. Little touches and small details have a big impact and go a long way in connecting with customers and in creating a long term relationship. 

I learned A LOT from running and financing a brick and mortar store, and one thing that is so important is ensuring a great customer experience.  You don’t have the face to face connection online that you do in a brick + mortar experience, it is so important to implement a personal experience in any way you can.

You are intentional in your branding from your designs, to the names of your pieces and your collaborations. The importance of this…

I believe in the whole experience. Every piece I create and everything I touch in my business has meaning, is personal to me and has a piece of me and my heart. I want my customers to feel that, to resonate with it and feel that they are a piece of the experience too. I want them to have an emotional connection to the pieces they purchase and to have a connection to elizabeth.lyn as a brand and me as a person. 

Intention is everything. When things are intentionally put together it flows naturally and comes together into a full package and experience.

Her transparency on social media…

I am Elizabeth Lyn. My brand is me. My heart and soul and life experience goes into everything I do. I don’t know how to separate it. I believe it is so important to have a connection with my community, to engage with them and to be real + authentic. Connecting with my community and creating real relationships is the most important part of my business, it's what everything else is built on and why my brand is successful. It creates trust and loyalty.

The one word you want people to grasp when they think of you... 


Megan Jewelry.jpg

To support Megan and purchase her jewelry, you can find her at the links below:


Leane Durand

Leane is a former educator and entrepreneur. Leane loves all things words, advancing women and creating more joy in this world.


To hug or not to hug.


Her First Ride at 38