Woman of Influence, Sarah Swain

sarah swain

Recent nominee, RBC Women of Influence, Sarah Swain is a kindred spirit. She so deeply believes in other women that she created an entire platform to showcase their voices, The Great Canadian Woman. She is unequivocal in her perseverance to show up. The change she demands of the world, she reflects in all of her endeavours. 

On rejecting her corporate life …

I attended a conference with hopes I’d find more clarity. I was a women’s empowerment coach at the time, but knew there was something bigger nudging me. It was this conference that helped me see we had a pretty large gap in Canada to help Canadians connect and take the stage with their voices. For me to leave my job? Truthfully the comfort scale needed to tip for me. We are taught that growth exists outside of our comfort zone, only the reality was, my life wasn’t actually comfortable. I was unfulfilled, miserable and wondering how I ended up so out of alignment with what I love. Basically, I needed to realize that my comfort zone wasn’t actually comfortable in order for me to make my move.

The path to success is... 

Far from linear! And I think that’s the secret. It isn’t a straight path forward. There are twists and turns and rocky roads and I believe our key to success is our ability to adapt, change and continue to grow.

You talk about “burning down the existing framework” to create an inclusive community. That shows your depth of leadership. Do you ever think we, as a society, will get there with the patriarchy...

I have a bit of an unpopular opinion on this. As much as the patriarchy is still very alive and well, I also feel it’s used as a reason why women can’t or aren’t moving forward. The patriarchy won’t dismantle itself. The patriarchy becomes dismantled once more women realize their own power and start having the courage to do something with it.

Sarah is inspiring in her devotion to create. Podcasts, blogs, books, publishing, all with the goal of promoting womens’ voices, the unseen and unheard. 

Her intent to remain transparent…

I share my journey because I want to abolish this false sense of simplicity in taking a big leap of faith - whether it’s in entrepreneurship, making an impact, or running towards your vision. It isn’t easy but it's WORTH IT. People are jumping in unprepared mentally and emotionally and then quitting at the first sign of hardship. I want more people to jump in and stay in. Stay the course. Keep going. It takes grit, courage, determination, discipline, a radical sense of self awareness, change & humility. The more I can change the perception of what the journey is like, the less people will fear it, and the more people will have the courage to start on their own path. 

One word you want people to grasp when they think of you…

Real. I just want people to know I’m real. Just as any other person they may look up to. We’re all just real humans. I want people to know they can do it too.

For all things Sarah Swain and The Great Canadian Woman, go to the following links to be energized.

“The Great Canadian Woman she is all of us.”





The Chase is On


Integrity, against all odds.