Blog Submission

We know how much our brilliant Well Women have to say so we are calling for submissions for the Well blog post.

Please read the following for more information on becoming a contributor.


You must be a Well member to contribute.


You must write on the Well following monthly theme (eg. if you are submitting on March 1, write for March’s theme).

Word Count

Submissions should not exceed 800 words.


 All content must be written by you and must not have been published elsewhere.


You retain the rights to your submission, but the Well reserves the right to
promote/publish any blog post that is submitted to us indefinitely. Occasionally,
blog posts may be republished on the the Well newsletter, website, or other materials.


The submissions are due the first Monday of the month. Call for submissions will be due the first of each month.


We advise that you share a paragraph or short excerpt from the post to generate interest and include a link to the post where people can read more.


We want you to tell your story in your own words. We will only edit your blog post for clarity, punctuation, spelling, and grammar, and to meet our style guidelines.  We also reserve the right to change the title of the piece.

Submission entry information