A fresh outlook on ADHD

Hey there lovelies, its been awhile since I've shared openly about my mental health and how it's impacting my life. So here goes!

Since being diagnosed with AHDH this summer, I've felt lightened by knowing a bit more about how my brain works. I think ADHD is amazing, and actually refer to it at home as VAST (credit _ https://drhallowell.com/)


VAST gives a positive spin on something people often deem as negative.
I love how I am, my energy, positivity, curiosity. I realize these also come with negatives but as my husband told me 'you are exceptional' and I wouldn't be that if I didn't have VAST (ADHD).

As always I need to accommodate my weaknesses. For me this includes medication, daily exercise, prayer, and patience. You see, VAST is not a negative trait of mine. It's simply who I am, in a world that doesn't see anything outside of 'normal' as positive. But I do. I know many of our greatest teachers have been curious, contradictory, and sometimes confusing, but also poetic, inspired, impulsive and, thanks Scotty, exceptional.

Hey, you were made exactly as was intended. Don't you dare apologize for yourselves when you don't fit into the world's mold! Tell us about it, share where it's safe, embrace yourself a little more each day.


Use This Decision Matrix To Clean Up Your To-Do List


Mahshed, Woman of Influence