The Well Collaborative Blog

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Leane Durand Leane Durand

Jess Moskaluke, Woman of Influence

Jess Moskaluke has been a shining star on the country music horizon for over 10 years now. It started at a Saskatchewan talent contest and she’s captured accolades and awards ever since. She’s broken many barriers, including being the first CCMA Female Artist of the Year to come from Saskatchewan She inspires many kids from small towns to dream big.

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Leane Durand Leane Durand

Woman of Influence, Megan Hammond

Her joie de vivre is apparent in the sparkle in her eye, her smile and her celebration of others. Megan Hammond gifts a piece of herself in every item of jewelry she creates for you.

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Leane Durand Leane Durand

The Chase is On

I am probably the most perfectly unqualified person to write a blog on the theme of Pursuit at this point in my life. I have been tangled up in a riddle of direction or should I say lack of. I feel like a pinball machine lately smacking off the bumpers, lighting up for a few seconds when an idea hits and then bam on to the next thing.

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Tammy Zdunich Tammy Zdunich

Negative Publicity

As Mona said ‘this community is determined to create a new culture for women to be able to see themselves differently. I am the only hijabi, Muslim member and I have been welcomed with open arms.’

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Tammy Zdunich Tammy Zdunich

Why The Well

So when asked ‘why did I create the well’ I guess I wanted to share my resources with as many women as I could.

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