Negative Publicity

Yesterday was tough.

We had to deal with some negative publicity (which took up a lot of my brain space all day).

It’s not easy for any of us who put our hearts & souls into business. You see, at The Well we are trying to positively impact culture. We are trying to tear down old ways and rebirth new ones. Starting with culture and relationships.

As Mona said ‘this community is determined to create a new culture for women to be able to see themselves differently. I am the only hijabi, Muslim member and I have been welcomed with open arms.’

We want to tear down the belief that you have to show up differently than you are, in order to have success. Including redefining what ‘success’ means to you.

It’s so interesting because Wed night at Working Well we dove headfirst into how others perceive us, and our unwanted perceptions.

Our toolkit said to share:

  • what led us to feel this way ( a comment)

  • how it effects my behaviour (afraid to represent)

  • one action I can take to change my reaction (speak openly and honestly)

Sometimes the timing of The Well feels wildly divine.

The truth is that when ‘hard to swallow’ opinions appear, it feels personal.

I often think it’s personal for women, is it not for men?

When you put your heart and soul into your business, is it not personal? My hubby always says ‘don’t take it personal’ I’m like, what does that even mean!
I feel it’s the ‘patriarch’ trying to make women into men. ‘Don’t take it personal sweetheart’.

If women didn’t make business personal, it wouldn’t be so amazing, often heart & value led, inspiring, and damn worthy.
So although I don’t need to defend our community, because I know how wonderful it is.
I do ‘wonder’ if it isn’t showing that from the outside.

Inside, it’s diverse, inspiring, educating, sharing of life, honesty, having hard conversations, I could go on.
But is social media, once again, giving the wrong view of what’s real?

Hey friends, can you help us out? How can we ‘show up’ on the outside like we are on the inside?

PS make sure you’ve experienced our internal culture if you comment.

As Brené Brown says ‘if you're not in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I'm not interested in your feedback.”

Your fearful, but doing it anyway, Founder Tammy


Woman of Influence | Krystal Festerly


Why The Well