Jess Moskaluke, Woman of Influence

Jess Moskaluke has been a shining star on the country music horizon for over 10 years now. It started at a Saskatchewan talent contest and she’s captured accolades and awards ever since. She’s broken many barriers, including being the first CCMA Female Artist of the Year to come from Saskatchewan   She inspires many kids from small towns to dream big.

On what  motivates her to push toward such massive success... 

 Thank you for saying that. It’s never been awards or accolades that made me want to be an artist. It’s a genuine love and passion for what I do. It’s really just that simple. I love to sing, and everything else is just a bonus!

Unlike many country music stars who move to the U.S. or bigger cities, Jess has chosen to stay based in her home town of Langenburg, SK. Community is very important to her. Her latest album The Demos includes the song “Mapdot”, an ode to her small town.

The persistence to maintain her roots…

In a normal year, I’m on the road more than I’m at home. It comes down to one question: Where do I want to spend my time when I’m “home”? I didn’t want to waste precious moments commuting even more to get home to my family and friends, so it made a lot of sense to settle down and create a life here in Saskatchewan where my people are. I love small town life, and the privacy and sense of community that comes with being rural in the prairies is something I look forward to every time I head home. 

She is on tour and performs late night shows. What practices do you implement in your life to ensure your mental health wellness?

I’m an introvert who’s career requires them to do extroverted things, haha.   So for me, alone time is key. Even if it’s just a quick 15 minutes to chill and stare at a wall in a hotel room, I need that to recharge. Sleep is important. Staying hydrated is key. Exercise feels great when you’re on the road, it’s just a little harder to fit that one in sometimes.

What role has media and social media played in your life and how do you keep a balance with your privacy?

I got my start in the music industry by putting videos up on YouTube, so it’s been a massive part of my life! I love the chance to connect with fans, and I learn about what music they love, and what they don’t, through doing just that- connecting. As far as privacy goes, living in a small town helps. Being an introvert who’s got a close-knit circle of friends helps. But I think the thing that helps most is that I run my own social media. Sometimes that’s a MASSIVE job with the ever-changing algorithms and trends and platforms. But I get to share what I want and set my own boundaries for what I want to share with the world, and what I don’t.

The one word you want people to grasp when they think of you…


To listen to Jess and follow her career you can find her at

IG jessmoskaluke

Leane Durand

Leane is a former educator and entrepreneur. Leane loves all things words, advancing women and creating more joy in this world.


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