The Well Collaborative Blog

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Tammy Zdunich Tammy Zdunich

Mahshed, Woman of Influence

I’ve always strived to create the best work I can so when people see it, the first impression is “wow, that’s a strong piece of work” and then second is “oh, that’s a PaperOcelot piece”.

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Leane Durand Leane Durand

Woman of Influence, Megan Hammond

Her joie de vivre is apparent in the sparkle in her eye, her smile and her celebration of others. Megan Hammond gifts a piece of herself in every item of jewelry she creates for you.

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Leane Durand Leane Durand

Woman of Influence | Krystal Festerly

There is so much to say about this beautiful human. Krystal is a nurturer, optimist, poet, mother, entrepreneur and artist. Her spirit of embracing challenges with resilience and transparency has garnered her a loyal following. She is deeply rooted in her relationship with God... even when the ground is hollow under her feet.

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