To hug or not to hug.


Sometimes I feel like a faulty human.
A mistake, incapable of getting it right.

When I find myself falling into this trap, I choose connection over perfection.

I’m not fishing for compliments (although now that I mention it…)

The truth is, if you haven’t seen me fail publicly then you haven’t spent much time with me.

When my kids were really little I found myself doing it so often that I made a ‘fail pass card’.

I allowed myself one big fail everyday. Forget small things like not to brushing their hair, but big stuff like an omission of their school lunch, missing halloween completely, or showing up at a birthday party sans gift.


Memorable screw ups that will likely affect them, myself, and others. I felt this permission took a big weight off my shoulders and although I didn’t reach my goal every day, I likely nailed a giant fail at least once a week.

I could always save myself by apologizing in the way I do best. With love. I’m talking hands on, deep affection, staring into your eyes lovingly, cuddly, generous, love. This is the easiest way for me to say I’m sorry when I’ve hurt someone. While my ego may block me from communicating with words, my physical love is always ready.

This is not easy in a pandemic.

I hate it. Not being able to extend myself fully and completely is painful for me. I’m sure my family and dog are ready for this to stop. I am so hug hungry and I’m only legally allowed to embrace them.

Human connection is crucial to our well-being. I hope if you haven’t been able to hug a stranger lately, that your own bubble is feeling your love stronger than ever.

I also hope that you will continue to connect with us virtually, as we continue to grow our membership in that direction. As well as celebrating in person as we are allowed to do so.


When you’re ready for that hug, I’m ready. But I won’t pressure you, I’ll simply encourage you.

xo Tammy


Well Read


Woman of Influence, Megan Hammond