5 Tips to Working, Being a Woman, and Managing those Winter Blues


You are probably wondering if I am yelling at you with all of my big caps…yes and no. Not at you per say, just at the world in general. I am not a lover of the cold. I do not embrace my inner winter warrior or whatever other verbiage people use to try to trick me into liking this time of year.

There is factual evidence in regards to the less than cheery mood many of us are now wearing like a great, ferocious hooded cloak. Up to 20% of people suffer from SAD or a milder form known as the winter blues. They come creeping around as soon as our daylight hours reduce, for me a little sooner. And that dip is more likely to affect women. 

So what can you do to fight those blues? I’m a P-RO. I’ve been at this for more years than I’d like to acknowledge so here’s a few tips.

#1. Exercise. I know nothing earth shattering or prophetic but it works. Walk, dance, jump around,  go snowshoeing ( if you’re into the cold, good for you ) , skate, bike with those cool fat tire bikes. Whatever you can do that you actually enjoy, do it. Regularly. When it’s too cold to walk or run outside, I go to the fieldhouse . We need those endorphins to zap us (literally) into a better frame of mind. Oh and it’s good for your physical health which is a bonus.

#2. Buy a happy light. Sit in front of it while you eat breakfast or read in the morning. A few minutes each day has allowed me to avoid the downs before they even arrive. Added benefit, we are busy women, often too busy, so this forces us to sit still.  Eyes do have to be open, and just relax. 

#3. Eat foods your body wants. It’s called intuitive eating. We know what we need to eat, so just stop and listen.  Especially at this time of the year, we feel the urge to become bears going into hibernation. Stop and think of what you are putting in your body. Is it what it needs and wants? Not just wants.

I feel so much better mentally when I eat what I need like hearty, homemade food that I’ve prepped ahead of time (like on Sunday or one of those batches of big food I cooked and froze). When my body says ‘yup I want popcorn’ then I eat a gigantic tub because that is truly the only way to consume popcorn.

#4.Do one thing just for you EVERYDAY. That’s right every single day do one thing that is just for you. It does not have to be costly, fancy or lengthy. Try to mix it up.

  • A nice cuppa tea Monday

  • Hot bath Tuesday

  • then Wednesday date with your favorite program

Something to look forward to each day. I cannot begin to tell how much joy I get out of knowing it’s Wednesday and that’s the day I get myself a latte from my favorite coffee shop. Small pleasures that are attainable in a busy woman’s schedule bring such joy!

#5 Give yourself grace, as much as you would your partner, child, best friend or parent. Be kind and remember this is a tough time of year and maybe you are not going to have days where you accomplish much. Some days, getting out of bed is a win! A shower, WOW! Laugh a lot and smile even more. 

Well women love ourselves well,



Leane Durand

Leane is a former educator and entrepreneur. Leane loves all things words, advancing women and creating more joy in this world.


Business, is not just business


Nothing to Prove