Nothing to Prove

We believe in you, likely before you do.
You already belong,
& you have nothing to prove.

But more than any of that,
Our message is;
‘What you want is ok’.

YES! We believe in you, and we are right next to you every step of the way,
What you want is ok.

Do you believe that? Do you believe that your truest & deepest wants and desires, are ok?

Do you believe it’s ok to want, to dream, to let your imagination lead?
To believe the best for yourself and your future.

Because when you get honest with yourself and tell the truth, you’ll realise that what you want has impact.

At The Well, we don’t have an opinion on what you should or shouldn’t want.

Maybe you ‘want’ to hustle and get famous and speak on stages, great!
Maybe you ‘want’ to quit your job, stay home, focus on being the best mom you can be, great!
Maybe you ‘want’ to open your dream business, in that little town where you grew up, great!
Maybe you ‘want’ to be a fashion designer, model, and photographer at the same time, I know I did!

What we want you to know is: Here, you have nothing to prove.
We accept you and your wants.
You already belong.
It’s ok, when you feel ready, to let down your guard and receive from our community.
We will validate your wants, desires, intentions.
We won’t agree, or want the same, or always even understand,
but we will support you, share our dreams with you, and listen to you,
without trying to change you.

The best part is, when you do the thing, we will celebrate you!
When you change your mind, and do a different thing, we will celebrate you!

Even if you don’t have a thing to do, not even a dream to pursue, we will love you and probably be jealous that you are so at peace in knowing who you are.

This is the place where you don’t have to be or prove anything,
but with freedom rediscover that little girl and her big imagination who believed she could do or be anything she wanted. No matter how big or small that dream seemed.


5 Tips to Working, Being a Woman, and Managing those Winter Blues


Jess Moskaluke, Woman of Influence