Business, is not just business

This month, I had the privilege of hosting our monthly business workshop, Working Well.


The month's theme was 'Institutionalize Empathy' and our guest speaker was the ever-inspiring Ang Fehr of Twisted Goods.


Ang nailed it with her opening line, Business is not just Business.


I have heard this phrase all too much when I worked in the corporate world. In fact, I found that the only way to be successful was to live and breathe this phrase. In my former jobs, it was expected to treat others with less respect than they deserved if it meant advancing the business in some way. People were not people, but a means to a profit. Anything that came in the way of profits, could and would be deal with, often leaving empathy at the door. That's just business after all.


But Ang spoke the truth that many of us women in the (zoom) room shared. That business cannot just be about business. You cannot treat people, or the earth differently for the matter of profit. Our work is an extension of ourselves, and therefore we believe that we should conduct business in a way that aligns with our values. Empathy and humanity cannot be left out, they have to be part of everything we do.


This is exactly what the Well Collaborative is about. It's about standing up against 'norms' that do not align with our values and paving a different way of showing up in the world of business. It's about putting our values above making a profit. This is how we can heal and make the world a better place.


Do you share our values? Come join us.

Taheera Fidaali, Well Partner


Embodying your Values


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