The Well Collaborative Blog

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Tammy Zdunich Tammy Zdunich

Nothing to Prove

This is the place where you don’t have to be or prove anything, but with freedom rediscover that little girl and her big imagination who believed she could do or be anything she wanted. No matter how big or small that dream seemed.

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Tammy Zdunich Tammy Zdunich

Worry and Fear Steal our Freedom

Worry and Fear Steal our Freedom

When the pandemic hit, I was like ’ok I got this!’, and I’ve pretty much maintained that mindset since day one. I stubbornly refuse to let worry or fear enslave me.

You see, my previous life was one of fear. An enslavement of sorts, always wondering how I am being perceived, not believing anyone will come to my rescue if I need it. One day on the city bus in my early 20’s, I was having a massive panic attack and swore to never ride a bus again, in desperation I turned to the woman behind me and said ‘I’m having a panic attack’. Whoosh, just like that, I took back my freedom.

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