Woman of Influence, Hina

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Hina Khan is a brilliant clinical psychotherapist and coach who approaches life focusing on transformation. She has made regular appearances on a number of Canada’s national networks. Her energy and vibrancy permeates every aspect of her work. 

On the importance of her morning routine and why it’s the foundation to creating transformation…

A morning routine allows us to control our mornings and be intentional.  When we wake up and reach for our phone, scroll through SMS or emails we are putting ourselves in a reactive state.  We are reacting and getting swept up in other people's agendas.  When we write our goals, we get clear on what we want and we can make decisions FROM that place throughout the rest of the day.  It really sets you up for success.

Even though you’ve been a successful psychotherapist and coach for years, you still encounter personal roadblocks. Have they changed over the years and how do you overcome them?

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OMG YES!  And it is a good thing because it means I am growing and I am hitting my next level.  What is different now is that I recognize it, so I don’t have to stay in that place of fear, doubt or worry.  I rip the bandaid off a lot quicker because I understand what is happening.

Hina speaks to women’s mindset around money and success dispelling the archaic beliefs of scarcity. She believes deeply in embracing change and purposefully choosing your future.

“During COVID virtually all women entrepreneurs, regardless of their socio-economic status, are disadvantaged by the additional childcare and household burdens as money cannot buy the support that they need.” 

She explains..

COVID highlighted inequities in a really big way, there was no more sweeping it under the rug, and that is a good thing.  Now I think we have to ask ourselves how we want it to be.  I don’t know if we want to go back to the way it was.  To start, we can all get clear in our life of how we want things to be moving forward. 

On opening up on social media…

The hardest thing for me to share was my success, when things were going well.  And I realized that was a problem.  We never question when a man shares his success.  My goal is to normalize this, especially for women and those in the BIPOC communities.  In fact I want to help as many people as I can to become millionaires.  And make it no big deal.  I want people to see that millionaires come in all different looks.

The one word you want people to grasp when they think of you..


To reach out to the incomparable Hina Khan or join her community please follow the links below:

IG @coachwithhina
FB: Hina’s Success Circle

Leane Durand

Leane is a former educator and entrepreneur. Leane loves all things words, advancing women and creating more joy in this world.


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