A re-birth of the magazine

By Theodora.

The birds sang their early morning song among the boreal forest trees. Surely, they didn’t have any care in the world. Meanwhile my mind raced over the last few conversations I have had before our weekend camping trip.

I felt like I was right back in 2019, at the moment when I didn’t know if I should keep Obaahima as the name of the magazine or find a different one. It was a period during which I felt overwhelmed by the calling to create a slow living magazine, with God at the center, for anyone seeking to connect, grow, find joy, peace and be fulfilled.
As I was searching for answers, I felt led to the Well Collaborative. I presented this magazine concept at a Show & Tell and many women encouraged me to make a magazine for The Well. This amazing community of supportive women helped me bring the magazine to where I couldn’t have done it alone.

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After three successful issues together, The Well Collaborative is releasing Obaahima to fly solo.

I felt a bit sad and anxious after my meeting with Tammy. I left the studio worrying about the change that the next issue will face. I wondered what would all the women, worldwide, who have come to know and love this publication will say about the new name.

After some gently prompting from Tammy, together we decided it is time for Obaahima to be the main title of the magazine. Tammy is still on board as Co Founder, I’m thankful for her support. I really appreciate her friendship and sisterhood in Christ. I believe God brought us together for a purpose that in fullness of His time will be clear.

The Well loves this beautiful publication, but for it to grow into its fullness it needs to be set apart. Just as The Well needs to focus it’s direction on inclusivity and mental health, and to be set apart from Obaahima.

It’s time for each to grow more fully into their own.

Changing the name of the magazine back to OBAAHIMA feels overwhelming, and it took me back to that uncomfortable crossroads. One thing that has brought me peace is the many women who have told me they love the content. It is the original content that God planted on my heart in 2018.

Though I was resisting embracing the calling to use the name OBAAHIMA for the magazine, I felt God revealing to me the deeper meaning behind the name. The name is my daughter’s middle name and it means Queen Mother in the Ghanaian Akan Twi language (Ghana has more that 70+ languages). 

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9

We are a chosen royal priesthood by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are daughters of the King, therefore Obaahima stands for kingdom woman.

Obaahima is here for:

  • Those who know their identity in Christ and fully embrace it

  • Those who are still seeking and what to understand what means to be chosen

  • Those that want to come back to their Lord and accept their royal status and embrace their identity as kingdom woman

Therefore changing the name back to OBAAHIMA, with the subtitle kingdom woman, is like stepping fully into what God has called me to do with this magazine. He wants to create a space where His daughter, by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, will welcome other siblings of Christ and creation of God to share our stories, to understand our diverse experiences with always Christ as our mediator. 

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Though I was anxious at the beginning of the decision, because change can be scary. I fully embrace this calling though I don’t have it all figured it out, I trust that the one who has called me will also provide.

Obaahima Fall issue is focused on Identity. Obaahima is now looking for Submissions for both the cover image and articles, please visit the website for more.




5 steps to learning what you love.