Why are Boundaries important for women?
Why are boundaries important for women?
The other day I was at my Somatic Therapy session with Miranda as I was trying to work through my nervous anxiety around flying
When business becomes personal
From her I learned that business isn’t personal. That you can be totally honest in a business collaboration and laughing as friends in the next breathe.
The Chase is On
I am probably the most perfectly unqualified person to write a blog on the theme of Pursuit at this point in my life. I have been tangled up in a riddle of direction or should I say lack of. I feel like a pinball machine lately smacking off the bumpers, lighting up for a few seconds when an idea hits and then bam on to the next thing.
Negative Publicity
As Mona said ‘this community is determined to create a new culture for women to be able to see themselves differently. I am the only hijabi, Muslim member and I have been welcomed with open arms.’
Why The Well
So when asked ‘why did I create the well’ I guess I wanted to share my resources with as many women as I could.