Why are Boundaries important for women?
Why are boundaries important for women?
The other day I was at my Somatic Therapy session with Miranda as I was trying to work through my nervous anxiety around flying
A fresh outlook on ADHD
It's simply who I am, in a world that doesn't see anything outside of 'normal' as positive.
5 steps to learning what you love.
What do you love?
Are you slightly terrified to find out? What if your whole life has to change? What will other people think?
Are you afraid of what you love, want, & essentially afraid of yourself? Read through to dig a little deeper
Loneliness and expanding your relationships beyond humans.
‘Going out of your way to shine your light on others and lifting them up while expecting nothing in return’
Negative Publicity
As Mona said ‘this community is determined to create a new culture for women to be able to see themselves differently. I am the only hijabi, Muslim member and I have been welcomed with open arms.’