Why are Boundaries important for women?
Why are boundaries important for women?
The other day I was at my Somatic Therapy session with Miranda as I was trying to work through my nervous anxiety around flying
What is a Feminine Leadership Circle?
A courageous space to grow your network, find belonging, listen and be heard. Leadership Development happens here.
Ode to the Many Hatted Women
Naturally wired into some women is the need, desire, pressure to wear many hats. Let’s question our reasoning, drive and passion behind wearing these hats. Sometimes they are just cute and fun, who doesn’t love a good hat, right? :)
Embodying your Values
Why is it important to know my values? How can I live into them, what does that even mean? Good questions! I’m going to attempt an answer now, by giving personal examples from my life.
Business, is not just business
I have heard this phrase all too much when I worked in the corporate world. In fact, I found that the only way to be successful was to live and breathe this phrase. In my former jobs, it was expected to treat others with less respect than they deserved if it meant advancing the business in some way.
A fresh outlook on ADHD
It's simply who I am, in a world that doesn't see anything outside of 'normal' as positive.
5 steps to learning what you love.
What do you love?
Are you slightly terrified to find out? What if your whole life has to change? What will other people think?
Are you afraid of what you love, want, & essentially afraid of yourself? Read through to dig a little deeper
Why “It’s Just Business” is Bad for Business
The person becomes as important as the process, and it makes tough decisions even more heart wrenching when you can’t emotionally distance yourself from it. You, as the leader, feel.
How to define your why?
Oh! I can make a grandiose statement that is basically unachievable! Thank you, because that’s the way my mind works already and I just needed permission to write what I thought.
Woman of Influence, Megan Hammond
Her joie de vivre is apparent in the sparkle in her eye, her smile and her celebration of others. Megan Hammond gifts a piece of herself in every item of jewelry she creates for you.
3 ways you can support the women in your life.
‘Going out of your way to shine your light on others and lifting them up while expecting nothing in return’
When business becomes personal
From her I learned that business isn’t personal. That you can be totally honest in a business collaboration and laughing as friends in the next breathe.
Woman of Influence, Sarah Swain
Recent nominee, RBC Women of Influence, Sarah Swain is a kindred spirit. She so deeply believes in other women that she created an entire platform to showcase their voices, The Great Canadian Woman. She is unequivocal in her perseverance to show up. The change she demands of the world, she reflects in all of her endeavours.
Negative Publicity
As Mona said ‘this community is determined to create a new culture for women to be able to see themselves differently. I am the only hijabi, Muslim member and I have been welcomed with open arms.’