Use This Decision Matrix To Clean Up Your To-Do List

Being a human in this day and age pretty much guarantees we have so much to do that we never actually finish checking items off our to-do lists. It’s a never ending cycle that usually comes at a cost if we don’t keep it in check.

As a self-proclaimed perfectionist and naturally anxious person I sometimes get overwhelmed to the point where I just freeze in fear and do nothing.

But I’m finding this way of getting things done in the world isn’t working so well and is very physically and emotionally draining.

Luckily in the tech industry, we are always trying out new frameworks and processes to help make work more efficient as possible and I wanted to share one of my favorite ones with you in turn to help make decision making easier for you too.

The Eisenhower Matrix

This method was developed by Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th U.S. President who is best known for starting NASA during his tenure. He was clearly a person who liked to get stuff done. On the matrix there are two categories that make up the four quadrants: Urgency & Importance


The Four Quadrants


The upper left quadrant is for tasks that are important and urgent—things that require YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION, have a clear ending, and consequences if you don’t do it right away.

These could be things like finishing up a client project, picking up groceries for tonight’s dinner, or helping a customer who walks into your shop.


The upper right quadrant is for tasks that are important and not urgent—things that require YOUR ATTENTION but not right away.

These could be things like remembering to take out the trash (we nearly forget this weekly!), paying this month’s bills, balancing your businesses books, or exercising.


The lower left quadrant is for tasks that aren’t important but urgent—meaning it needs to get done, but can be done by someone other than yourself.

These could be things like getting your taxes done, cleaning your house, or hiring a social media person to help with posting on Instagram.


The lower right quadrant is for tasks that aren’t important and aren’t urgent—meaning doing it isn’t going to help you actually get what you want to get done AKA DISTRACTIONS.

These are usually tasks you might default to if your procrastinating, once thought were important but later changed or they are no longer relevant.

These could be things like scrolling on social media for hours, watching a lot of TV or eating a lot of food you know isn’t good for you. I wanted to make a joke about buying pint of ice cream, but seriously sometimes ice cream is important! Really these are indulgent tasks that are best done in moderation :)

Use It Weekly

Now that you have the idea, put it in place weekly! Schedule a time in the beginning of every week to revisit your to-do list and organize it into these four quadrants to get you going for the week ahead.

A Challenge

I can’t leave you without giving you a challenge!

For the people who are overachievers or anxious doers (I’m winning at life and am both of these at times), I challenge you to move at least TWO EACH of your DO and DECIDE items into the DELEGATE and DELETE quadrants.

You’re welcome.




Elana Van Deventer, Woman of Influence


A fresh outlook on ADHD