What is a Feminine Leadership Circle?
A courageous space to grow your network, find belonging, listen and be heard. Leadership Development happens here.
Why “It’s Just Business” is Bad for Business
The person becomes as important as the process, and it makes tough decisions even more heart wrenching when you can’t emotionally distance yourself from it. You, as the leader, feel.
Loneliness and expanding your relationships beyond humans.
‘Going out of your way to shine your light on others and lifting them up while expecting nothing in return’
3 ways you can support the women in your life.
‘Going out of your way to shine your light on others and lifting them up while expecting nothing in return’
Negative Publicity
As Mona said ‘this community is determined to create a new culture for women to be able to see themselves differently. I am the only hijabi, Muslim member and I have been welcomed with open arms.’
Why The Well
So when asked ‘why did I create the well’ I guess I wanted to share my resources with as many women as I could.