Cultivate Abundance Consciousness

If you are not yet familiar with the concepts of a scarcity mindset versus an abundance mindset, there are any number of google-able articles that you might find useful. In essence, a scarcity mindset is believing that there is only so much to go around and you have to hold on too tightly to what’s yours. With an abundance mindset, you would recognize that there is more than enough for everyone. 

In the simplest terms, it comes down to pessimism versus optimism, greed versus generosity, glass half-full versus half-empty. Seeing limitations versus seeing all the magical possibilities.

It certainly feels like the past few years have been exceptionally turbulent for all of us. The bad news has been relentless, stirring up fear and anxieties even in the least anxious among us. I’ve always felt that I suffered anxiety to a lesser degree than many people I know. But when our nation’s pandemic story began, I found myself in need of a daily mantra.

Right now, I have everything I need. Right now, I have a home, I have enough to eat, and I am healthy. Today, I am okay.

It helped me focus on the positive and stay a little closer to a consciousness of abundance during those first few turbulent months.

What about you? When you hear of scarcity and abundance mindsets, conduct a little self-assessment of where your consciousness is at today. Do you give freely of resources, like time, money, and talent or do you hoard them out of fear of running out? Do you help colleagues in the spirit of ‘a rising tide lifts all boats,’ or refrain from making the offer so you can shine brighter?

There is no judgement here. No wrong answers. If, however, you feel like the scarcity resonates more than the abundance, I encourage you to take a deep breath and imagine how good it would feel to release your goodness into the world. (It comes back to you threefold!)

Here is a simple exercise you can do when the scarcity thoughts creep in and you want to instead cultivate abundance. We don’t all have the time to keep up with a gratitude journal, but this should just take a few moments and might help you reframe some thoughts and feelings that hold you back.

Take a piece of paper and jot down the following: 

What you have

What are you grateful for today, in your personal or professional life? List 3-5 things that you know you are lucky to enjoy – a healthy body, coworkers who feel like friends, a car that drives, or new client. 

What you can give

If you’ve ever sat on board of directors, you may find the phrase “time, talent, and treasure” familiar. These are all things that are, at least to some extent, within your control. Consider what you are passionate about, and if you are volunteering enough of your time or donating enough money to that cause. You are gifted, certainly – what gifts can you share? This might look like mentorship, pro-bono work, or offering free classes in your community.

What you can gain

It’s not selfish to wonder, “What’s in it for me?” In fact, that’s completely natural – and the answer is: plenty! The general yummy feeling that comes from putting good in the world, for starters. The noticeable physical relaxation that comes with not holding on quite so tight. And most of all, the opportunities that begin to appear before you.

By cultivating an abundance consciousness, you will start to attract that goodness into your own orbit like a magnet. You’ll see the world around you in brighter colours and with greater dimension, and it will be simply magical.


Tell the Truth


Freedom in Uncertainty