Elana Van Deventer, Woman of Influence
“I am a woman on a mission and ready to rise” Elana Van Deventer. This quote is a small sample of the force that Elana compels in the world as she sets forth to impact womens’ lives. She is a fierce entrepreneur who focuses on moving women forward with faith and a deep belief in each of us.
On the three Essentials: Identity, Purpose, and Worth as the keys to achieving freedom...
Elana Van Deventer, The Revive Method
Well, if I'm honest, those were the three keys that unlocked my success and my ability to live fully alive. I was chasing after them, but they were disguised in a lot of glitz and glamour. I didn't realize for a lot of years that I was desperately searching for my identity in the roles I had as a wife, mom, entrepreneur, model, etc. I was trying to prove my worth whenever I walked into a room, even with friends, always calculating what I had to do or how I had to look in order to be approved of and I was at a total loss for what my purpose was. I knew it all felt exhausting and like an endless cycle of expectation and disappointment. When I learned the truth of all those three things, I knew it wasn't just for me - it was for women everywhere.
Elana is an alignment coach, speaker and founder of the Revive Method. She is also a collector of stories and seeks to collaborate with women to share their common yet distinct voices.
The impetus behind impacting and lifting women in all her endeavors...
Once again, in my life I didn't even know how much I needed to be empowered until I finally was. For years I made a lot of decisions based out of fear, yet it looked successful on the outside. I needed someone to champion my heart and soul, instead of just these decisions I was making or the results they got me - and I needed someone to be there even when I was a young girl, and I think a lot of women missed out on that, too. So I'm here to tell them, it's not too late for you to know who you really are. It wasn't too late for me, it's not too late for you. We can heal, we can grow together, we can empower each other.
A couple of years ago, in her home country of South Africa, she was threatened at gunpoint and was deeply traumatized. This became a pivotal moment of change in her life. Elana was physically unharmed but the wounds were deeply swathed in her mind.
On her mental health and her healing...
Well, there's an in-the-moment kind of adrenaline that's helpful during those traumatic experiences, but when that hyper-sensitivity doesn't go away, even after the danger has passed, it turns into a deep anxiety and constant fear of what could happen next. All of your decisions are held captive to this very biased system of determining what's safe when you feel like very little is actually safe anymore. I didn't want to leave the house for a while. But I also knew that there was no way I wanted to live the rest of my life always thinking, "What if...." That's not really living and I still had dreams and hopes for my life, so little by little I pushed beyond what felt scary. Later I realized I wasn't given a spirit of fear, I didn't have to accept life on fear's terms. Now, brave, courageous action is what I'm all about!
Staying true to herself on social media...
When you know what freedom is, you just want to share it with the world. I can't stop talking about what I've experienced because I want everyone to know that there's a real God who loves them like crazy - and they don't have to do anything to prove themselves to him. Everyone is at a different stage in their life, so I don't want to preach to anyone, but rather journey together with them through the celebrations and the challenges of life.
The one word you want people to grasp when they think of you...
Light - it's the meaning of my name and the legacy I want to leave behind. I know what it's like to live in darkness, and when I found the light, that was my own heart getting revived. Whether you follow me on Instagram, or you eat dinner at my table, or you enrol in the Revive Method, I hope when you're in my presence, that you see the light of God, that you recognize his light inside of you, and that you light up your world with everything he's calling you to do with your one wild and precious life.
Please take the time to find this exceptional woman on Instagram & download her FREEBIE here!