Working Well is hosted Virtually for April!
Well Consultant Leane Durand will lead women in a mini business plan workshop.
Have you ever written a business plan?
Maybe you have but it needs revisiting.
Have you been avoiding it because it all feels super overwhelming and makes your dreams a little too real?
Or you’re scared it will reveal something you don’t want to know…
This is a safe space to do some digging into the ‘what and how’ of your dreams.
Together, let’s check in on your business plan.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in business, it’s always helpful to check back and look at your original business plan. You will be surprised by goals you’ve met and surpassed, directions you’ve veered off and the potential to rediscover a past passion. It all lies within this document.
If you haven’t written one, you can join us to learn how.
Included with Well subscription.
Not a subscriber, no problem, just pay the drop in fee!