We need each other, and we all have something profound to offer which most of us take for granted.
Only when engaged in thoughtful discussion and asked the right questions do we realize how much we really do know.
Join Janea Dieno on February 5th at 10 am CST/4 pm GMT. She will guide you through the following questions:
1. What is difference between TFSA and RRSP and which one should I be investing into?
2. What are the differences between the insurances and when should I carry a policy?
ie. house insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, business overhead insurance, business liability insurance
The Well has always been a place to share the things that come so easily to us, but are so hard for others. Our informal Friday Mentorship sessions are a short time to connect and ask a mentor your questions. Each week we have a new mentor with specific strengths for you to engage with.
May our ceiling become your floor.
Mentorship is included with your Well membership.
Sign up! This event is for members only.