Great Expectations

Every July we focus on the theme of Simplicity, which is followed by Renewal. None of this is a coincidence, it’s very intentional. We know that you’ve worked and worked, and hustled, and ignored your inner voice and you need a break to regroup. It’s as much for us as it is for you. We all benefit from remembering why we started in the first place, how to get back to basics, and simplify our lives and business.

Simplicity is my nemesis, I prefer complicated, too much, confusion. I prefer to say YES before I think, and to be impulsive, dream big, and wait to see what happens. 

I live my dreams out and wait to see how it goes. 

I’ve found out how it goes, it colours a lot outside of the lines. Which is ok, to a point. You need lines, and you need flexibility to shape those lines a little, but business doesn’t thrive when the lines continually shift with every new breeze. 

So, while I pondered simplicity I realized that a few key things were complicating my business that didn’t need to be there. I needed to cleanse my business and renew my mind. See what I did there…

Renewal, August’s theme, came just in time. 

This brings me to today, a renewal of my mind, a refresher. And here’s why… 

I forgot what it meant to create from a place of joy. Traditional business mindset had taken over, which is often fear based. It’s careful, cautious, thought out, methodical. I am intuitive, prayerful, I trust my instincts, most of all I trust my God. In listening to June’s Woman of Influence, Hina Khan, I was reminded what it meant to create from a place of joy and trust in provision. I felt like The Well had stolen that from me, when in fact The Well exists to show women this very process. 

I understand I need to be put through the fire to truly learn patience and grow into the woman I am intended to be. But my attitude needed to be renewed. I needed to renew my mind. Immediately I turn to prayer, I turn to Jesus. I realize this isn’t for everyone, but this is my truth. I turn inward, I get quiet, I find time alone, I wait on the Lord. 

Just today, before I sat down to write this post, I was driving home and heard ‘Expect Greatness’ ‘Be excited about what’s to come, what amazing thing will happen next!’. Wow, I used to always live like this and somewhere I forgot how to create from a place of joy and great expectations. 

So here I am, humbly admitting that I don’t always know what’s best, and that I often do it wrong, but I am renewing my mind right here and now. I am anticipating amazing things and I cannot wait to see what happens next! 


‘I am believing for greatness in my life, for fullness and for generosity, for creating from a place of joyful anticipation of what’s next.’

Where are you creating from?


Mahshed, Woman of Influence


Secret Dreams